IDIS Privacy Advisory
Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) records information that is necessary to provide you with system access while adhering to Federal Information System security requirements. For example: username, password, email, and full name. IDIS also records information necessary to transact business with HUD grantee organizations. For example: full name, business phone, business address, and email of point(s) of contact. Finally, IDIS also collects basic information on beneficiaries of some activities for housing programs (HOME Investment Partnerships and Housing Trust Fund) to monitor and report on compliance to program and Fair Housing regulations. For example, last name, range of household income, household size, household type, race and ethnicity, and property address. The information collected is not used for any other purpose. The authority for this information collection is the HOME Investment Partnership Program (OMB Approval No. 2506-0171), Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 (OMB Approval No. 4040-0004), and the CPD Monitoring Handbook 6509.2.